No reason studio is a Hong Kong-based creative studio co-founded by Florence Yuk Ki Lee (animation artist) and Di Harper Wu (video artist), with a focus on art publishing, contemporary print, animation, photography and more.
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Copyright © No Reason Studio 2021

You build a home in my mind (2023)
Translating and encapsulating the director's personal childhood expereinces as well as past lived experiences, You build a home in my mind comprises of playground rides, the everyday scenery outside the window of the artist's studio, and unique, special objects recalled from memories—weaving together a melody that lures the viewers to roam and wonder.

Park Voyage (2022)
Park Voyage (2022) is a set of pre-show animation film commissioned for M+ Museum.
These works address questions and ideas around the collective viewing experience and will be shown at screenings and selected events at M+ in the coming two years.
Watch Animation Here ︎

Elephant in Castle (2021)
Elephant in Castle (2021) is a 2D digital animation, using a hand-drawn frame-by-frame process to create subtle abstract narratives. The work expresses a constant change within the artist’s inner world, depicting the emotional, aesthetic, and tactile responses that she has to Hong Kong, the city where she grew up. Stepping into a new decade, the world is coming to an unprecedented and critical moment in history. The film could be a reflection conveyed by the artist's sentimental responses to the stories/memories that took place in Hong Kong.
Florence was inspired by the research topic and artworks relating to Topophilia. Topophilia, terms from Greek topos “place” and -philia, “love of”, is a “strong sense of place, which often becomes mixed with the sense of cultural identity among certain people and a love of certain aspects of such a place.” People in a city might come from different places originally, but they all form their own paths of connectivity and responses to the places we inhabit, and even to the particular site that they pass through occasionally.
Florence was inspired by the research topic and artworks relating to Topophilia. Topophilia, terms from Greek topos “place” and -philia, “love of”, is a “strong sense of place, which often becomes mixed with the sense of cultural identity among certain people and a love of certain aspects of such a place.” People in a city might come from different places originally, but they all form their own paths of connectivity and responses to the places we inhabit, and even to the particular site that they pass through occasionally.

Animated short, 4’48”
Directed & Animated by: Florence Yuk Ki Lee
Production: No Reason Studio
Composer: Just Bee
Sound Designer: Florence Xingyu Tan
Additional Animation: Tina Bahraei
Additional Compositing: Di Wu
Advisor: Max Hattler
Special Thanks: Harald Kraemer, Leung Chi Wo, Tobias Klein, Yu Ka Ho Albert
Screenings and Awards:
Directed & Animated by: Florence Yuk Ki Lee
Production: No Reason Studio
Composer: Just Bee
Sound Designer: Florence Xingyu Tan
Additional Animation: Tina Bahraei
Additional Compositing: Di Wu
Advisor: Max Hattler
Special Thanks: Harald Kraemer, Leung Chi Wo, Tobias Klein, Yu Ka Ho Albert
Screenings and Awards:

nomad 003
Nomad003 brings us back to the “white cube.”
2021 is a year of working nine-to-five for the author. While working in a commercial gallery, the author has documented the stories unfolded there with her camera. Exquisite, fragile, and expensive artworks; various kinds of visitors; and the faint traces left on the walls after de-installations.
Sometimes, what remains in one’s heart is not the object itself but the vacuum it leaves behind. Yet, in the blink of an eye, the vacuum is occupied by new artworks, soon another. The white cube is a micro-society/city.
Limited edition of 100
Language: English, Chinese 中文
Packaging: Bubble wrapped
ISBN: 978-988-75315-4-8
Published & Designed by:

nomad 002
What was it like to live in mandatory quarantine? It was absolutely silent.
It was like being in a vacuum state inside a glass jar, where everything was so quiet. I was watching everything that was happening outside from a position that was neither too close nor too far away - like watching a scene light years away through the cold glass lens of a telescope.
強制隔離的生活是怎麼樣的?是絕對寂靜的。就好像身處於玻璃罐中的真空裡,所有的一切安靜極了。我在一個不太近也不太遠的位置上看著外面發生的一切⸺就像是隔著望遠鏡冰涼的玻璃鏡片觀看幾光年遠的場面,一切發生的悄然無聲。又似乎有一層薄膜把我和混亂隔絕開來。 外面的聲音迷失在星辰間的虛空裡。就像「宇宙在物理層面的寂靜, 對應著道德上的沈默。」我保持著沈默,用相機紀錄了生活中司空見慣的場景; 也試圖從所謂的 「日常」 中找尋錯置的瞬間,從而創建出虛構的故事。
Limited edition of 200
Language: English, Chinese 中文
Packaging: Vacuum packed 真空包裝
ISBN: 978-988-75315-0-0
Published & Designed by:
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nomad 001
photo essay on everyday life
floating objects
relationship between human beings and nature
floating objects
relationship between human beings and nature
Language: English
Packaging: Red acetate
ISBN: 978-988-75315-2-4
Published & Designed by:
Published & Designed by:
︎ HKD$180 ︎ Add to Cart

Elephant in Castle
This is a printed version of Elephant in Castle (2021), a 2D digital animation by Florence Lee. The work adopted a hand-drawn frame-by-frame process to create subtle abstract narratives.Created within the context of two strange years, 2019 and 2020, the work expresses a constant change within the artist’s inner world. It depicts the emotional, aesthetic, and tactile responses that she has to Hong Kong, the city where she grew up.
Language: English, Chinese
Text & illustration: Florence Yuk Ki Lee
Printed in U.S.A
Edition of 100
ISBN: 978-988-75315-1-7
Published and Produced by:
︎ HKD$350 ︎ Add to Cart
Text & illustration: Florence Yuk Ki Lee
Printed in U.S.A
Edition of 100
ISBN: 978-988-75315-1-7
Published and Produced by:
︎ HKD$350 ︎ Add to Cart

I Stole a Bag of Seeds
An illustrated story book uncovering the insight: Utopia is a process, not destination. The story was written and illustrated by Florence Lee, created based on her interpretation of Les Espaces d’abraxas, an utopian housing estate located in Paris, and her affections towards this place.
Language: English
Text & illustration: Florence Yuk Ki Lee
ISBN: 978-988-75315-3-1
︎ HKD$280 ︎ Add to Cart
Text & illustration: Florence Yuk Ki Lee
ISBN: 978-988-75315-3-1
︎ HKD$280 ︎ Add to Cart

Mundane Aesthetics - Cafe
Artist: Florence Yuk Ki Lee
High quality Giclée print,
Limited edition of 50, signed
Hahnemühle German Etching paper, 148 x 210 mm, with white border
*Customization availbale upon request
Orders will be posted on a weekly basis, therefore arrival time may vary from 3 and 10 days.
Order carefully shipped in a tube, frame not included.
High quality Giclée print,
Limited edition of 50, signed
Hahnemühle German Etching paper, 148 x 210 mm, with white border
*Customization availbale upon request
Orders will be posted on a weekly basis, therefore arrival time may vary from 3 and 10 days.
Order carefully shipped in a tube, frame not included.

Mundane Aesthetics-London
Artist: Florence Yuk Ki Lee
Quality Giclée print,
Limited edition of 15, signed
Hahnemühle German Etching paper, 12 x 9 inches, with white border
*Customization availbale upon request
Orders will be posted on a weeklybasis, therefore arrival time may vary from 3 and 10 days.
Quality Giclée print,
Limited edition of 15, signed
Hahnemühle German Etching paper, 12 x 9 inches, with white border
*Customization availbale upon request
Orders will be posted on a weeklybasis, therefore arrival time may vary from 3 and 10 days.
Elephant in Castle: mini prints
Artist: Florence Yuk Ki Lee
High quality Giclée print
Fantac etching paper, 120 x 190 mm, with white border
*Customization availbale upon request
Orders will be posted on a weekly basis, therefore arrival time may vary from 3 and 10 days.
High quality Giclée print
Fantac etching paper, 120 x 190 mm, with white border
*Customization availbale upon request
Orders will be posted on a weekly basis, therefore arrival time may vary from 3 and 10 days.


六廠紡織文化藝術館(CHAT六廠) | The Mills 南豐紗廠
A set of illustration made for CHAT, The Mills’ special display of “Textile for Food” exhibition.Vividly convey the many facets of the local food culture, leaving poetic footprints on endearing sceneries in the city, the set of illustration is working in the CHAT Colours as background colour.
An additional outcome of the project:
Box sets of beeswax wraps were produced as souvenir of the exhibition.

Tai Kwun BOOKED: 2020 & 2021

We were exhibiting at BOOKED: Hong Kong Art Book Fair 2020 & 2021, a leading art book festival in Asia, with over 80 local, regional, and international exhibitors taking part, BOOKED: will serve as a platform for the diverse range of artistic and publishing practices at the intersection of” art” and “books”. What is presented includes (but is not limited to) artists’ books, photography books, art albums, zines, art catalogues, art history and theoretical texts, artists’ editions and gallery editions (e.g. prints), texts by artists, book arts and book sculptures, as well as art-related ephemera such as tote bags, pins, and badges. The art fair is hosted by Tai Kwun Contemporary.
我們於BOOKED: 香港藝術書展2020及2021作為參展商。書展邀請超過80個本地、亞洲及國際的藝術出版單位,旨在為出版單位及藝術家締造平台,展現「藝術」和「出版」多元化的跨領域實踐。其中包括藝術家書籍、攝影及藝術相集、小誌、畫册、藝術史書籍、理論文本、藝術家或藝廊刊物及限量作品、藝術家文本、書本藝術作品等等;更有一系列藝術周邊商品如帆布袋、襟章等。每屆書展均由大館當代美術館主辦。
Taipei Art Book Fair 2018
@ 台北松山文創園區
Taipei Art Book Fair (TABF) is a bespoke three-day art book fair that offers an important platform for artists and independent publishers to showcase their progressive publications.
Top 10 Poly Art Carnival
@ Beijing Poly Art Museum

第三屆保利「TOP10藝術嘉年華」於2018年1月24日至27日在北京新保利大廈雲樓舉辦。本次嘉年華由北京保利藝術博物館主辦。 「TOP10藝術嘉年華」為保利藝術引領下的國內藝術生活展及市集,雲集當今中國最具代表性的高品質生活藝術設計品牌及組織。
The third Poly "TOP10 Art Carnival" was held from January 24 to 27, 2018 at the the Cloud Building of the New Poly Building in Beijing. This Carnival is hosted by the Poly Art Museum in Beijing. "TOP10 Art Carnival" is an art exhibition and market. It gathers the most representative high-quality designer brands in China today.
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Accepted credit cards are:
Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Payments processed by Stripe is governed by their privacy policy.

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Orders will be posted on a weekly basis, therefore arrival time may vary from 7 and 14 days.
We do not collect taxes. There is no tax or
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We ship worldwide.
Orders will be posted on a weekly basis, therefore arrival time may vary from 7 and 14 days.
We do not collect taxes. There is no tax or
excise duty on exports from Hong Kong.
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Unit K, 27/F, Phase 1,
Vigor Industrial Building,
Kwai Chung,
New Territories,
Hong Kong
Unit K, 27/F, Phase 1,
Vigor Industrial Building,
Kwai Chung,
New Territories,
Hong Kong